Praise "Bob"!

Repent! Quit your job! SLACK OFF! Yes! YES!! As a Doktor you are Blessed! Yes, Habafropzipulops, the Herb of the Gods is yours for the TAKING. The blessed Doktor wants no Normal Pink churches. Like "Bob" himself, the Doktor is INVISIBLE to the Men In Blacks. The blessed Doktor is wonderful and puts "Bob's" money where HIS mouth is. Those little prairie squid are GREAT, but the slightest offhand comment made by "Bob" - even in the LIMITED understanding given to the crawling "Bobbies" - is living proof that the Doktor nature is our defense against the demonic black-suited ANDROIDS! Yes! False Sanity is the foe! Don't be HUMAN! "Human" is an INSULT. Don't let them CALL you by the same name as the MIBS who - yes, the black-suited killers who SURROUND us every day - would deprive the SubGenius of his that One True Yeti Mate! They must DIE! They don't understand that a BAD ATTITUDE is our SALVATION!

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